Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Sunday: Day 14 w/Christ All Things are Possible

Read John 13:15, 34 or if you have time the entire Easter story.

"Follow thou me." As we walk the pathway Jesus walked, let's listen for the sound of his feet, reach out for His hand and come to know Him. He commands, and to those who obey Him, they shall learn in their own experience who he is. He is the Son of God. Jesus changed men's hearts. Thomas S. Monson, Ensign 5/86

Challenge: When you feel the penny: " that those who know you and don't know him, will want to know him because they know you!"

I walked today where Jesus walked, in days of long ago.
I wandered down each path He knew, with reverent step and slow.
Those little lanes, they have not changed, a sweet peace fills the air.
I walked today where Jesus walked, and felt Him close to me. (See Day 1 for author)

Journaling: What is the pure love of Christ? How has walking with Him affected my life? Will I commit each day to live as he would? 2 Nephi 31:20-21 & Moroni 7:40-48.

I've enjoyed sharing these past few weeks with you. I hope and pray that it's been helpful in your life. I noticed as I visited with people, that I was able to feel more love and share my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ without reservations. I remembered their problems when I said my prayers and included them. May we all reach out to our fellow man with love and kindness.

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