Monday, May 15, 2017

Sisters Smiling Sweetly

Four Crane sisters together.  Smiling are we.
Posing, performing and happy as can be.
From oldest to youngest and feeling free.
Glad to be part of a great family.

We were able to attend the wedding of Paula's daughter, Emily, at the Winter Quarters Temple in February.  I just saw this cute photo taken.  It was a great time to be spending time together.  

Friday, May 5, 2017

Weeding, One Wheelbarrow at a Time

Mom was always weeding, her yard or mine.
I do too, filling wheelbarrows.  It's so fine.
See a weed, my body makes a bee-line;
After a storm, they fly out as I dine.

I have lost count of how many wheelbarrow loads sent off to the trash this spring.   The best time to do it, is after a storm when the soil is soft.   The weeds pull out so easily.   If you wait, the weeds soak up the moisture and dry out the soil.   It's hard on our backs.   Those big weeds are stubborn, too.   But in the spring, you can cover a lot of ground in a short amount time.   We know who is BOSS!!   Mom, did too.