Monday, May 15, 2017

Sisters Smiling Sweetly

Four Crane sisters together.  Smiling are we.
Posing, performing and happy as can be.
From oldest to youngest and feeling free.
Glad to be part of a great family.

We were able to attend the wedding of Paula's daughter, Emily, at the Winter Quarters Temple in February.  I just saw this cute photo taken.  It was a great time to be spending time together.  

Friday, May 5, 2017

Weeding, One Wheelbarrow at a Time

Mom was always weeding, her yard or mine.
I do too, filling wheelbarrows.  It's so fine.
See a weed, my body makes a bee-line;
After a storm, they fly out as I dine.

I have lost count of how many wheelbarrow loads sent off to the trash this spring.   The best time to do it, is after a storm when the soil is soft.   The weeds pull out so easily.   If you wait, the weeds soak up the moisture and dry out the soil.   It's hard on our backs.   Those big weeds are stubborn, too.   But in the spring, you can cover a lot of ground in a short amount time.   We know who is BOSS!!   Mom, did too. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Cruising Amid the Cactus

While cruising amidst the cactus I saw,
This one that stood out, and I was in awe.
I called it the zebra for it's white paw.
Wouldn't want to run into it though. Naw!

This time of year they are growing and have a unique beauty of their own.   This cactus was my favorite and came in all sizes, so did the spikes on them.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Storm Scaring Snow Shovels

Will snow shovels scare a storm away?
An antidote for bad weather today.
With spring in full bloom, it is okay,
To store them for next year.  Go out & play.
I saw these shovels leaning up against Sandy's house a week ago.  It was a warm spring day.   It looked like they were there to prevent storms.   I had to laugh, when I saw them.   Since then it has snowed three inches.   It all melted within a few hours and there was no need to shovel.   Maybe this is their storage spot.    If you need one for next year, get it now.   Happy Spring!!

Friday, March 31, 2017

4 Wheeling Out West

Four wheeling in Mesquite.  It's a perfect place.
The warm, dry, desert and the sun in your face.
Logandale's red rocks, have beauty and grace.
Go slow, take your time or you can even race.

We enjoyed last weekend in Nevada with our side by side four wheeler.  Discovering the trails east of town, red sand and Joshua trees for miles.   Then took them out to Logandale's red rocks, near the Valley of Fire monument.   

Polaris Razors were abundant and fast.  
It'd be great to have one, with a flag mast.
Don't go too fast and end up in a cast.
The trip was short, but the memories will last.

Two days riding went way to fast.  We want to go back, but the memories will last. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Wedding Wishes & Weeping

Sending a loving couple wedding wishes.
Way past young and glad to find their fishes.
Performed by a brother, who is the Bish's.
Now to open gifts and some new dishes.
My nephew, Adam, is a bishop.   He was able to perform the ceremony for his brother.  He said,  "He was happy to marry his wife, and now he is marrying his brother."  We all laughed.
We are all so happy this couple who have waited many years to find the perfect person.  Both are amazing people and needed the chance to enjoy married life.   May they have many happy years together.  

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Anniversary And Antiques

In March we celebrate deaths and birthdays.
Mom's on the sixth, remembering her always.
Found in her cedar chest treasures and displays.
She saved for special times and come what mays.

I get them out and use because she never did.  Why is it?  We save those special things for a rainy day, then it never comes and we don't ever use it.  After death, these things don't mean as much to our kids.  Who even knows what they were for or from.  Here on the right is Mom's wedding veil.  I  wish I had known, she had it.   I could have worn it for my own wedding.  Instead I borrowed one from a friend.   Some crocheted sweaters and doilies, probably Sandra's.  Who made them, Grandma Crane?  The green and floral table cloth on the left, I use in the spring.   Where did it come from?  Don't know.

Please use your special things now so you can wear them out instead of someone else that doesn't care. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Days Down on the Crane Farm

In the old days on the farm, we sold eggs.
Daily, we fed and gathered them amongst their legs.
Dad woke us with a holler to get up, sometime he begs.
With a bucket of mash and a pail and we fed the crags.

Pictured is the 'Egg House', a small insulated shed sandwiched between the chicken coops.  It kept the eggs cool and safe until we cleaned them for market.  On the wall Mom wrote the 'Egg prices'.  They were $1 a dozen and sometimes less.  As you can see we had different sizes.  The farm has been sold and now all we have is memories and some pictures of our past. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

My Milk is Much Better

We disagree on which kind of milk is best.
Each has a favorite we've put to the test.
1 and 2 percent have beat out the rest.
Glad we have so much and know we are blessed.

We are a two milk family.  I like 1 percent or skim and Allan like 2 percent.  I wont allow him to buy whole milk.  Although growing up we both drank raw whole milk fresh from the cow.   My brother, Jim, then later Nile, milked the cows twice daily.  We sold it in glass gallon bottles for $1.  I never had to limit how much milk to drink.   I attribute my strong healthy bones to growing up on a farm.