Friday, April 29, 2016

Great Grandma Crane's Birthday

Last Friday, April 22nd was not only my daughter's birthday, but also my Grandmother, Eugenia Ann Crane's birthday. She never drove and was dependent on Heber, her husband taking her shopping or someone else. I don't recall ever driving her anywhere, but I do remember the weekly or monthly shopping trips to Midvale for groceries.
She would always buy a few bags of ginger snap cookies. I don't know if they were her favorite, the cheapest cookie or our favorite. When I saw a bag on the work room table last month, I had a few and took a photo of the bag. They remind me of Grandma's cookie jar that always had a homemade one or something to appease the little kiddies. Thank you Grandma, for always having some when I wanted them.

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