Thursday, June 18, 2015

Grandpa Crane's Birthday June 19th

I will always remember Grandpa Crane for the challenges he endured. Allergies and asthma were some of them. Living on a farm made it even more difficult when hay, grain, animals, dust were swirling in the air. The pasture where the sheep grazed was full of thistle. One summer as we grand children played, remember Grandpa out all day, week and month digging up the thistle plants. Not only did he hate them as well as being bad for the sheep, they made it difficult for him to breathe.
I wish now to have been a better grand daughter, that I had gone out into that field and helped my granddad dig out those thistles. If we all would have helped, the job would have been done quickly. He would have been spared a hot tedious job. Our appreciation for him and his for us would have been much stronger. Please forgive me, for being so selfish that summer long, long ago. Love you.

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