Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Trumpet Vine Tasting Time

About six years ago I planted a trumpet vine at the corner of our tennis court. When I was a child, it grew wild at my grand parents place and reminds me of the good old days of hopscotch and bike rides.

The spindley bush had a hard time making it up the metal post and nearly died out completely, when we sprayed the weeds in our lawn. The suckers were sending up shoots everywhere. Once this perennial gets a foothold, watch out! It's like a teenager having an out of control growth spurt. I swear this plant grew six feet in one summer. It now tops our chain link tennis court fence and is eye level to the ten foot high deck.

Red-Orange is a hummingbird's favorite color. Dusk is a popular time for the tiny bird to visit our now "trumpet tree". No need for a hummingbird feeder to fill constantly with sugar water. Bees start here at first light in shifts, hauling out nectar till the sun's gone down. From my front row deck seat, it's a joy to observe a hard day's work from our little friends. What a marvel nature is.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Birthday Bash Posthumously

Our Crane Gang got together to celebrate Mom & Dad's birthday posthumously. They have passed on, but we still enjoy spending time having fun, eating, smiling and gabbing. May you do the same with your loved ones as often as possible.