Friday, June 19, 2009

Join Grandma Crane on Her 80th Birthday Bash

We're celebrating Grandma Crane's 80th birthday this weekend and want you all to join us. She's pretty excited about it after a photo session, buying a new dress, getting her picture in the paper, sending out 200 invites, preparing strawberry shortcake for all and much more.

It's a time to say 'Hello' to her friends, family & long lost school chums. She is looking forward to the party. Better than a professional, Dave W. will be here from Nebraska entertaining us with his beautiful music. Displays showing stages of her life, journals, service projects and more will be set up.

Many of you have sent in your own experiences and memories, that will be presented to her. Thanks for your help, support and attendance this Saturday from 4-6pm.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Congrats to the High School Grads

They made it!!! Emily the youngest of the group, beat by graduating on Saturday, May 30th. Camille & Alison graduate from high school today one a few hours ahead of the other.

Thirteen long years finished some friends & unknowns alike never to be seen again as you end the event, with a cap toss in the air. You did great, ladies! The future is even better now that you're officially an adult, making decisions that will affect the rest of your life. Only you can hold yourself back by not reaching for the most achievable opportunities. Don't say, "I can't do that!" Say, "I won't know, unless I try!"

Best wishes as you move on to college, careers and catching a man. Take your time please. No rush.